Pioneers of Climate Science

Global War and Global Warming

Comments by people who have heard Jim talk:
Jim Eachus gave a presentation for our Family Night potluck, and I was so impressed! He made a complex topic entertaining and informative. With the topic of climate change, I could not have anticipated what a wonderful storyteller he would turn out to be. I'm actively working on finding other places for him to do his presentation because I think many people will benefit from what he has to say.
Jennie Lindberg
President, Transition Port Gardner

Beyond  the usual retinue of facts and figures, Jim Eachus offers a thinking man's take on the environment, global warming and the consequences of  global war.    His presentation is subtle, laid back humor and falls in the category of a profound story teller.  There is a good dose of nostalgia, a few tears shed and a few laughs provoked.  There are implied challenges and a few regrets. Excellent take on the environment and the human condition.   Jim Eachus is a good show!
Carleton Pritchard